
博士後期課程の雑記ブログ。 読んだ本、コンピューター系のメモ、愛猫の写真、勉強のこととか。


Stomata is important for the gas exchange. Stomata are opened when the guard cells turgid and stomata are closed when the guard cells go limp. Stomata is opened in the day in C3 and C4 plants but stomata of CAM plants are closed in the day.

There are 5 factors influencing the stomata apertures, light, temperature, carbon dioxide, water contents and plant hormone.
Light, especially red and blue light are effective for opening the stomata. Temperature during 20-25C are suitable for opening the stomata. The stomata open when the carbon dioxide is enriched, and enough water contents. ABA affect stomata closing and Cytokinin affect stomata opening.

I write about the mechanism of stomata apertures below. Stomata are opened when the guard cells are turgid or it is closed when the guard cells go limp. It related the ion such as K, Cl, Na. When there are enrich ion in the guard cells, water flow in the guard cells and then guard cells will be turgid. When there are not enrich ion in the guard cells, water flow out the guard cells and then guard cells will be limp.

Photosynthesis is a process to use light energy to make sugar and oxygen from carbon dioxide and water. Chemical formula is here, 6CO₂ + 6H₂O → C₆H₁₂O₆ + 6O₂.
Photosynthesis separates two chemical reaction pathway, light reaction and Calvin cycle. The light reaction produces the ATP and NADPH from light energy and it occurs on thylakoid membranes. Calvin cycle produces the sugar especially glucoses using ATP, NADPH and CO₂ in the stroma.
Furthermore, light reaction separates two pathway, cyclic electron flow and noncyclic electron flow. Cyclic electron flow uses photosystem1 which uses P700, chlorophyll, and the ATP changed to ADP in this process. Noncyclic electron flow uses photosystem2 which uses P680 chlorophyll.
Calvin cycle produces glucoses and it takes 6 turns and uses 18 ATP and 12 NADPH. The enzyme Rubisco enables carbon dioxide to combine with a 5-carbon sugar known as Ribulose biphosphate.

Water absorption is important process for plants because water is essential for plants to live. In vascular plants, mainly water is absorbed by roots then the water uptake to the xylem to leaf.
Water can be absorbed by two methods, active absorption and passive absorption. Active absorption uses ATP energy to against the concentration gradients. Passive absorption is occurred along the concentration gradients.
There are 3 pathways on the water movements in roots, apoplast pathway, transmembrane pathway and symplast pathway.
Apoplast pathway is the majority pathway to absorb the water. Water flow through in the cell walls.
In transmembrane and symplast pathway, water flow through in the cytoplasm. Especially in symplast, water flow into plasmodesmata to cytoplasm.
Then, water uptake in xylem by transpiration pull. Mesophyll cells within leaf are in direct connect with atmosphere via all the air spaces in the leaf.

Stomata is important for the gas exchange. Stomata are opened when the guard cells turgid and stomata are closed when the guard cells go limp. Stomata is opened in the day in C3 and C4 plants but stomata of CAM plants are closed in the day.

There are 5 factors influencing the stomata apertures, light, temperature, carbon dioxide, water contents and plant hormone.
Light, especially red and blue light are effective for opening the stomata. Temperature during 20-25C are suitable for opening the stomata. The stomata open when the carbon dioxide is enriched, and enough water contents. ABA affect stomata closing and Cytokinin affect stomata opening.

I write about the mechanism of stomata apertures below. Stomata are opened when the guard cells are turgid or it is closed when the guard cells go limp. It related the ion such as K, Cl, Na. When there are enrich ion in the guard cells, water flow in the guard cells and then guard cells will be turgid. When there are not enrich ion in the guard cells, water flow out the guard cells and then guard cells will be limp.

Photosynthesis is a process to use light energy to make sugar and oxygen from carbon dioxide and water. Chemical formula is here, 6CO₂ + 6H₂O → C₆H₁₂O₆ + 6O₂.
Photosynthesis separates two chemical reaction pathway, light reaction and Calvin cycle. The light reaction produces the ATP and NADPH from light energy and it occurs on thylakoid membranes. Calvin cycle produces the sugar especially glucoses using ATP, NADPH and CO₂ in the stroma.
Furthermore, light reaction separates two pathway, cyclic electron flow and noncyclic electron flow. Cyclic electron flow uses photosystem1 which uses P700, chlorophyll, and the ATP changed to ADP in this process. Noncyclic electron flow uses photosystem2 which uses P680 chlorophyll.
Calvin cycle produces glucoses and it takes 6 turns and uses 18 ATP and 12 NADPH. The enzyme Rubisco enables carbon dioxide to combine with a 5-carbon sugar known as Ribulose biphosphate.






水分は主に2種類の方法で植物に吸収されます。一つ目は、積極的な吸収(Active absorption)です。これは、ATPと言われるエネルギーが必要で、水の勾配に逆らって吸収が起こります。(against concentration gradient)

二つ目は、受動的な吸収(passive absorption)です。これは、水の浸透勾配に従って吸収されるのでエネルギーは使いません。




一つ目はApoplast pathwayです。この経路は細胞壁の中を水分が通っていく経路です。大多数の水分がこの経路から吸収されます。

二つ目、Transmembrane pathwayは細胞の中を水分が通る経路で、一方の細胞から違う細胞へと通ります。Suberinというワックスのような働きをするタンパク質が関わるようです。

三つ目、Symplast pathwayは、plasmodesmataというcytoplasm同士を繋げている構造を通して水分が吸収される経路です。




ここでは二種類の形の異なる細胞がでてきます。Tracheids,vessile elementsです。前者が細長く、後者が短く太い形をしています。ここはそんなに重要ではないでしょう。



水が導管を通って上がっていく時に使われる力はこの蒸散の引っ張る力(transpiration pull)によるものです。この蒸散というものは、大気と繋がっている葉肉細胞(Mesophyll cell)から水分が水蒸気として放出されていくことです。

概略としては導管→mesophyll cellの細胞壁→air spaceで水分が蒸気に→気孔から放出という流れです。この話は後でもう少し続きます。





 Y大は知識的を身につけるなら結構いい授業していたのかなと思いました。結構多分野に渡ってそれなりに専門的なことをしていたんだなと感じました。一方、マラヤ大学は専門知識と共にpractical studyやレポート、論文のサマリー、アサイメントなどを行うことで知識を実際の課題解決に活かすようにさせる授業が多いのかなと思いました。結構力になるような気がします。論文読むときも何が大事なところなのか、何しているのかを考えながら読まなければ、課題消化できないですし。レポートのフィードバックがもらえたのもいいところでした。レポートの様式や英語の使い方などためになりました。これはY大ではやってもらったことないですね。頼めばやってくれそうな気がしないことはないけど。




Roti Susuという練乳?のようなものが入ったRotiです。Rotiは見ての通りな感じです。これはUMの寮内で1.5RM。日本円で50円くらいですね。(ざっくりとした計算)Rotiは常食していますね。安くておいしいので。付け合わせのカレーは無料でついてきて、こちらのカレーは玉ねぎの甘味がよく出た、カレースープ系でした。美味しかった。店によってカレーの味付けは異なります。
Roti Susu

